Resource Center

Welcome - Clerestory Notes Resource Center

The Resource Center is a library of information, ideas, methods and tips.

Learning is provided from beginning to advanced levels through written, audio, webinar and seminar content.

Subject: Papers, Tutorials and Documents
 A growing collection of papers on the topics of music, liturgy, philosophy, etc.

Subject:  Audio podcasts
Audio recordings on topics such as music, liturgy, philosophy, etc.

Subject: Webinars and Video clips
Instructional webinars on topics such as music, liturgy, philosophy, etc.

  Content for this subject will be available at a future date - thanks!

Subject: FAQ - Answers to your Questions
 Frequently asked questions and answers.   

Subject: Seminars - content and information
You will find both seminar content and information for upcoming seminars offered by Dr. Ellen Koehler

    Please use the contact form or email to send queries of interest about Seminars to Ellen.