What are my sheet music copying rights?



What are my sheet music copying rights?

Purchased hard copies of music are not for reproduction except for personal use. If you have purchased music products for use in your church worship service, you may print the lyrics in your printed liturgy (bulletin, worship guide) with proper attribution to the copyright holder. Purchase of hard copies and reproduction of pdf downloads entitles you to print only the quantity of copies purchased in the Clerestory Notes store.

All music contained in the ClerestoryNotes.com pages is under copyright to Ellen Koehler (or in a few cases, to Ellen and one or two partner composers). Reproduction of music products and materials without written permission from the copyright holder(s), except as stated above or in the Clerestory Notes Terms of Use, is a criminal offense and subject to prosecution.

The CCLI License does NOT grant permission to photocopy music contained in the Clerestory Notes website.

If you have further questions, please contact us through the About Us/Contact menu tab located at the right side of the website banner.