Liturgy Folio

Introduction to the Liturgy Folio -
The Liturgy Folio is a resource of readings, music, and examples of service liturgies related to the Revised Common Lectionary and reflecting Ancient-Future Worship. Because worship tells, sings, prays, and enacts the whole story of God, liturgy forms the structure for telling His story from season to season and week to week.

The readings, prayers, hymns, and songs contained in these pages are drawn from original writings, as well as from ancient through contemporary sources. The sections in them - Gathering, Invocation, Profession of Faith, Confession of Sins, Assurance of Pardon, Offering, the Word, the Lord's Table, Sending Forth - follow the flow and cadence of revelation and response: God's revelation of His triune person and His saving acts and deeds throughout all history, and our response to His greatness and covenant faithfulness. Whether or not your congregation uses this order or each of these sections, or you use these readings, prayers and songs in your personal times of worship, I pray that you find blessing and inspiration in these pages.

General Comments:

  • Readings, prayers, and sample liturgies are designated by their place in the Christian year (for example, the first Sunday of Advent, or Pentecost Sunday) and the year (i. e. Year A, B, or C).
  • Readings and litanies are written either for one reader and/or the congregation (indicated by bold font), or for several readers (indicated by differing fonts).
  • Arrangements for sung portions of these liturgies are suitable and appropriate for either keyboard-driven or guitar-driven worship.
  • The lyrics for Ellen's compositions and settings are included in the sample liturgies. These compositions and settings can be found in the music catalogs and through the link in the store.

  Clerestory Folios -

      Coming Soon!

  Liturgy Collections -

Liturgical Year - additional resources
 Liturgies for the year, at Epiclesis
 Revised Common Lectionary