Pentecost 19B 2024

Liturgy Highlights
"Perseverance and the Prayer of Faith"

Liturgical Season:

Liturgical Year:

Sheet Music Suggestions:

Suggested Sheet Music Collections:

Suggested Liturgy Collections:

Lectionary Resources and Liturgy

These pages contain highlighted liturgies, liturgies of the current season, and additional lectionary resources drawn from the weekly texts of the Revised Common Lectionary. These pages are intended as resources for preparing, planning and leading worship. The readings, prayers, benedictions, and “words about worship” may be freely used, provided that no part of such reproduction is sold, directly or indirectly, and with the following restrictions –

When you include any of these liturgy resources in printed orders of worship, pew sheets or similar publications for congregational or small group use, notes, articles, blog entries, or any other such publications (printed or digital), you must include this acknowledgement:

“Copyright ©Ellen Koehler. All Rights Reserved. ( Used by permission.”

Collections of liturgies with their associated music, as well as more specialized collections of readings, litanies and scripts, are available in the Store.